Maranello, 7 June 2013 – Ferrari Vice Chairman Piero Ferrari took part in the festivities for the 50th anniversary of the Professional Institute A. Ferrari in Maranello, which was founded thanks to Enzo Ferrari and supported by the city of Maranello, as a professional trade school in the area of automotive.
The institute, which was started as a private specialist school for Ferrari employees, was transformed in the mid-60s into a public school, contributing to train many mechanics, who worked at Ferrari, a tradition still continued today.
“It is a great pleasure to celebrate the anniversary,” Piero Ferrari said during the ceremony. “It shows the farsightedness of my father in terms of professional training and underlines once more the importance of the connection between the Company and the territory, where it was founded and developed.”
In the year 1965 the institute was named Ipsia Alfredo Ferrari, in memory of Alfredo (Dino) Ferrari, son of the founder, who died at a young age of muscular dystrophy.